
This post describes how you can write your own custom protobuf mutators. Protobuf mutators are routines that mutate or change protobuf input. Protobuf input is essentially structured text. It looks like this:

message {
	sub_message {
		int_field: 2
		string_field: "hello"

A custom proto mutation is a routine that, say, mutates the string_field of sub_message from the string hello to the string world.


What is the use of a custom proto mutation? The thing is structured fuzzing is useful to fuzz programs that accept structured input. A popular implementation technique to perform structured fuzzing is via the use of (1) protocol buffers library to define input structure; and (2) libprotobuf mutator library to perform random protobuf mutations. Random protobuf mutations may be sufficient already, so at the risk of sounding repetative, what is the use of a custom proto mutation?

Well, think of it like this. Say you are fuzzing a program that you have written. You obviously know more about your program than a random fuzzer would, notwithstanding the power of coverage guidance. So, let’s say, you know that your program will perform a state transition when an input field described by sub_message’s string_field is world and not hello. Now, to trigger this mutation without a custom mutator, you’d typically wait for the random mutator, through a series of mutations, to change hello to world. Although this is not too far-fetched, it consumes resources i.e., time and computation cycles.

The point is, if you know some mutation is important for your program, why would you wait for it to be synthesized randomly? Why not program it as part of the fuzzer itself, right?

Writing a custom proto mutator

Now, I describe the technical part of writing your own custom proto mutator, using libpng proto fuzzer as an example. The source file describes how to convert protobuf structure defined in png_fuzz_proto.proto to a PNG file. I’ll set ourselves the relatively simple task of writing a mutator that mutates an OtherChunk such that unknown_type chunks are changed to known_type chunks.

libprotobuf-mutator postprocessor callbacks

Before we code the actual mutation routine, let’s take some time to appreciate the callback facility provided by libprotobuf-mutator to enable custom mutations. I believe this callback was first implemented in this pull request. Essentially, the user of libprotobuf-mutator, can register a postprocessor callback on a protobuf message type. This postprocessor is then invoked after every mutation performed by libprotobuf-mutator.

Callback interface

The callback interface looks like so. Essentially, the interface contains two input parameters:

  • const pointer to message descriptor
  • function that implements the custom mutation routine. This function accepts two inputs:
    • pointer to protobuf message
    • seed (unsigned integer)

I will briefly describe each of them in the following paragraphs.


A protobuf message is a unit of input structure. A message may contain fields that may be of a value type (i.e., integer, bool, string etc.) or non-value type e.g., message. In our dummy example, message and sub_message are protobuf messages that describe something. The reason this is part of the callback interface is that, ultimately, we (custom mutation implementors) would like to mutate this data with custom changes.

Message descriptor

A message descriptor describes the nature of a message. The reason this is part of the callback interface is that, internally, libprotobuf-mutator maps a callback (custom mutation routine) against a descriptor. So, for example, if we were to implement a custom mutator for changing the string_field in our dummy example, it would have to be registered against the descriptor of the sub_message message type’s descriptor. To do that, we use protoc (protobuf compiler) generated static function call sub_message::descriptor().


A seed is a pseudo-random number supplied by libprotobuf-mutator to help the mutation writer tune their mutation. The reason this is part of the callback interface is that, often, mutation routine implementors (us) would want their mutation to be applied only every once in a while. To permit this while keeping fuzzing deterministic, a pseudo-randomly (but deterministically) generated seed is supplied for use by the mutation routine implementor.

A simple manner in which seed may be used is via the modulo operator, like so

/// Apply my mutation roughly once every three LPM mutations
if (seed % 3 == 0)

Callback function

Now that we understand the structure and reasoning behind LPM’s postprocessor interface, we can implement the mutation routine: Change hello to world

	[](google::protobuf::Message* message, unsigned int seed)
		sub_message *sub_msg = static_cast<sub_message *>(message);
		if (seed % 2)
			if (sub_msg->string_field() == "hello")

Here’s what we are doing:

  • Register a custom post processor for the sub_message message type
  • statically casting the canonical protobuf message type to sub_message message type before further checks
  • applying custom mutation 50% of the time
  • if string_field is set to hello, then we change it to world

libpng custom mutator

Now, we are ready to apply what we have learnt to the linked libpng-proto fuzzer. Here’s a portion of the pull request in which I implement a simple mutator routine that changes unknown_type chunks to a known_type chunk:

The really cool part is it is 4 lines of source code to do this :-)


This post hopefully made it easier for you to understand and write custom proto mutation routines for your fuzzer. Have fun writing them and experimenting a little until you find that elusive bug that randomness could not find ;-)